<IPP Metatron >
CEO Vera I. Nesterova
CFO Vladimir Zabolotskiy
Thanks to Vera and CFO for their hard work in flying over half the earth in nine and a half hours on a single flight. They made a special trip to Hong Kong to sign a new company with Zekang company
「Metatron Asia International Co., Ltd.
Metro Asia International Limited “
To open a deeper cooperation!
All colleagues and partners of Zekang company, moved by this, vowed to be more loyal and hard-working in promoting IPP technology to all countries in Asia and benefiting all human beings in Asia.

Taiwan’s Ministry of health and welfare appointed 15 top doctors to participate in the “International Hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, clinical laboratories Equipment Exhibition” held in Jakarta, Indonesia
IPP metalron “intruder” was selected as the best device for cancer prevention and postoperative health maintenance by the physician team.

Ceremonial signing of a Memorandum of Agreement was held as a part of the President Duterte’s visit, aimed at distribution of healthcare and business technologies in Philippines.
Promotion and distribution of IPP’s NLS-technologies, particularly hardware-software systems “Metatron” and its variations in Philippines.
Dr. Antonio G. Calanoc, President and Medical Director of Immunitas Holistic Healing. Inc.
Dr. Vera Nesterova, Director of Institute of Practical Psychophysics

IPP Metatron / Tse Kang were invited by China Disabled Persons’ Federation to attend Care & Rehabilitation on Expo China 2019 held in Beijing International Conference Center

Zekang company was invited to represent IPP Metatron in the “third Chinese medicine culture conference” held in Xingtai, the fief of “bianque”, the founder of traditional Chinese medicine
Deeply touched by the high-level Chinese central government attaches great importance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine!
In addition to the gathering of scholars, experts and important high-level officials from the Chinese traditional medicine industry, “Taiwan’s light Professor Li sicen” was also invited by the sponsor to attend the main forum speech.
IPP Metatron, the world’s top technology, received great attention and attention during the conference, and was hailed as the best weapon of “scientization of traditional Chinese medicine”.

will participate in the Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference
and Assistive Device Exhibition
At the invitation of the organizer of Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference, we will participate in the 6/26~28 exhibition in Macau. The show will showcase the latest upgraded device programming technology from IPP Metatron !
Sincerely invite all scholars and experts to come and guide us.
Booth No.: F5
Exhibition location:
Room G-I, L3 Ballroom
The Venetian Macao

On 3rd March, 2019, “The 1st. Taiwan-Russia IPP Information Medicine And Integrated Medical Operation Forum” was held at Tri-Service General Hospital in Taipei.
We sincerely thank the medical profession’s predecessors, scholars, and experts for taking the time to participate in the event.
IPP Metatron, the world’s only 3D NLS nonlinear diagnostic technology with Russian, American and British medical equipment certifications, it’s CEO, Vera I. Nesterova medical doctor, the former president of National Taiwan University, Pro. Lee,Si-Chen, the president of Chinese Integrative Medicine and Promotion of Health Dr. Lin,Chen-Chi, the founding president of the International Iridology Medical Association Dr. Lo Ta-En, the Departments of Stomatology and Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tri-Service General Hospital jointly delivered speeches to share their experiences in the event.
It’s an honor for Tse Kang Biotech. to conduct this event with IPP Metatrona Russia’s trust and a lot of supports from medical professions, scholars and experts that they shared unrelenting researches and shared experiences for many years, so that this forum can fully achieve the purpose of knowledge sharing.
Based on the love for our country Taiwan and for our family, Tse Kang Biotech. wishes that the tiny power we have contributed could recall the medical experts and scholars to work together for the benefit of human health and for Taiwanese medicine.

Institute of Practical Psychophysics presents its latest development – hardware-software system “Metatron” with “Intruder” software, which was specially created for searching of a parasitic flora in a human organism and evaluation of resistance to one or another medication.
The importance of this development is defined by recently appeared panresistant superbacteria, resistant to all used antibiotics, therefore NLS-method and computer-based express-evaluation of activity and resistance of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms to all existent antibacterial (antiparasitic) preparations may become the only possible alternative to a modern medicine.

Institute of Practical Psychophysics has prolonged FDA registration for 2018
Institute of Practical Psychoiphysics (Omsk) has prolonged a registration of hardware-software system “Metatron” in Food and Drug Administration of USA (FDA)for 2018.
Registration number – 3009475597.
歐姆斯克實驗心理學研究所(Omsk)在2018年延長了美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)硬體 – 軟體系統“Metatron”的註冊。
註冊號碼 – 3009475597。
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has successfully completed re-certification procedure
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has successfully completed re-certification procedure for compliance with the EN ISO 13485:2016 standard “Medical devices – Quality management systems – System requirements for regulatory purposes” and the Medical Device Derective 93/42/ЕЕС. The re-certification was carried out by the BSI (the British Standards Institution) certifying authority on November 28-30, 2017.
The BSI is a worldwide brand with a mission of global extension of its presence, granting of equal opportunities to all clients around the world regardless of national economy and local culture development conditions. A distinctive feature in standards management field is that the BSI is the founder and partner of the ISO (International Standardization Organization) and other international organizations and associations.
實用心理物理研究所已成功完成了符合EN ISO 13485:2016標準“醫療器械 – 質量管理體系 – 管理體系的系統要求”和醫療器械標準93/42 /歐洲標準的再認證程式。 2017年11月28日至30日,BSI(英國標準協會)認證機構進行了再認證。
BSI是一個全球性的品牌,其使命是在全球擴展業務,不分國家經濟和當地文化發展條件,為世界各地的所有客戶提供平等的機會。 標準管理領域的一個顯著特點是,BSI是ISO(國際標準化組織)和其他國際組織和協會的創始人和合作夥伴。

LAt the Forum on Cross-Strait Clinical Engineering in 2017, from the keynote speech on stage, I realized that in addition to rapid improvement in the medical system in China, the proportion of medical equipment developed and manufactured by China has increased speedily, and yet even exported to Europe, the United States and all the other advanced countries.
Our friend, Xu Shengyan, president of the Chinese Medical Equipment Magazine Taiwan branch, made a speech on behalf of Taiwan at this medical forum.
I was touched and shared with you, let us jointly give her a warm applause, thanks to her for the medical industry in Taiwan to voice in China, for business opportunities!
我們的好友~台灣中國醫療雜誌社社 社長 許聖燕 在此醫療論壇代表台灣發表演說。

IPP Metatron International Co., Limited will participate in
Elder Care Asia 2017.
The exhibition will be held on 02-05 November 2017 at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.
以感恩回饋台灣樂齡長輩的心參與Elder care Asia 2017亞洲樂齡智慧生活展
感謝台灣長期照顧關懷協會 林理事長、台灣護理之家協會 吳理事 、萬芳醫院蔡執行長熱誠參與指導、共襄盛舉。
2017/11/02-11/05 亞洲樂齡智慧生活展
Elder Care Asia 2017。

IPP Metatron International Co., Limited will participate in
Elder Care Asia 2017.
The exhibition will be held on 02-05 November 2017 at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.
Date & Time:
November 02-04 10AM-6PM
November 05 10AM-5PM
Welcome you to join with us
IPP Metatron International Co., Limited
將參加 2017亞洲樂齡智慧生活展Elder Care Asia

The innovation technology, IPP Metatron (Nonlinear (NLS)Diagnostic Systems) is invited by the Economic Daily to participate in the Kaohsiung Health Medical Exhibition in line with the Taiwan government policy.
The biotechnology industry is one of the six new industries in Taiwan. With the long-term efforts and investment of the government and the people, the industrial scale is expanding rapidly. With the growth of the global population and the progress of science and technology, the total turnover of the biotechnology industry in 2015 reached NTD $ 298.6 billion, up to 3.5% growth of the year. Among them, the total turnover of the medical supply reached NTD133 billion in 2015, occupied the total turnover with 44.5 % of the whole biotech industry, and the number of manufacturers reached the number of 1,041.
With the growth of the popularity of natural physical medicine knowledge, the collaboration with both IPP Metatron (NLS), the advanced diagnose technology and the biotech industry manufacturers at the exhibition is very popular among the visitors, even the famous TV host, 李玉龍,is attracted by the device and asked for experiencing the system.
IPP Metatron 量子醫學創新科技應經濟日報之邀,配合台灣政府政策參加高雄生醫展。
隨著自然物理醫學知識的普及度越趨高漲。 IPP Metatron 全人、全面、零幅射的頂尖先進檢測技術與生技產業結合於展場大受歡迎。

We, Tse Kang Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. would like to thank IPP Metatron, Russia for participating in Pharmedi 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Vietnam is the sixth largest economy among the 10 ASEAN countries. Under the influence by the medical policy of its local government, the growth rate of medical equipment and pharmaceutical market is the best among the countries of The Association of Southeast Asian Nation. Vietnam’s local production of medical products are mostly medical supplies, there are still nearly 90 percent of the medical equipment depends on imports, the prospect of future business can be highly expected.
During the exhibition, the Vietnamese doctors are highly interested in IPP Metatron 3D-NLS diagnose system and request for experiencing the diagnose system. According to the doctors reactions, it proofs IPP Metatron is the world’s top medical technology once again. With the most advance medical technology, IPP Metatron 3D-NLS diagnose system; there are no boundaries of countries anymore. We’re here calling every elite in medical industry to company us. Let’s march into Vietnam! Let’s win the glory for Taiwan.
衷心感謝俄羅斯IPP Metatron在越南胡志明市參加醫療醫藥展。
越南是東協十國中第六大經濟體,在政府醫療政策影響下,醫療器材及醫藥市場的成長速度在東協地區名列前茅。 越南當地生產的醫療產品多屬初級耗材類,仍有近9成的醫療器材仰賴進口,商機前景可期。
展覽期間當地醫生對俄羅斯IPP Metatron 3D-NLS檢測設備熱絡體驗、恣詢殷切,更進一步印證IPP Metatron 全球頂尖的醫療科技技術無遠弗屆,在此號召醫療器材界的精英,咱們南進越南,為台灣爭光吧!

We appreciate the leaders of the medical profession to guide us the principles and applications of Russian IPP NLS technology !
Professor Mai Jing Ran came to the booth to witness the benevolent mind and heart, and the spirit of seeking new technology for the health of mankind on the third day of the exhibition.
IPP team is very grateful and moved by all the supports and assistance.
On behalf of mankind, we would like to give our greatest gratitude and respect to all the medical specialists !

The IPP Metatron International Co., Limited will participate in the Taiwan Int’l Medical & Healthcare Exhibition Fair 2017.
The exhibition will be held on 15-18 June 2017 at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
June 15-17 10AM-6PM
June 18 10AM-5PM

Revolutionary act through time, The Institute of Practical Psychophysics and Tse Kang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Taiwan) jointly established IPP METATRON INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. in Hong Kong. Introducing the most advanced medical technology from the Russian Academy of Sciences comprehensively into the Greater China area to benefit humankind is the pledge of the company.