New software “Prana” was created on the basis of “Metapathia GR Clinical” software and include all its features, etalons and functions.
In addition to features of the previous versions, a new software version includes a number of new 3D models in Full HD:
– Internal organs – Skeleton
– Muscles – Blood circulatory system
– Lymphatic system – Nervous system
– Heart – Cardiac chambers
– Cardiac vessels – Cardiac conducting system
– Lungs – Teeth
– External ear – Chakras

– “Prana” – is a specialized Ayurvedic medicine software. In addition to possibilities of other software versions:
– modality-doshas
– database of traditional Ayurvedic preparations
– Ayurvedic medicinal herbs Bhaishajya Kalpana
– minerals Rasa Shastra
– Baraka products
– food products and meals of traditional Hindu cuisine
New functions were added:
– “Wide Vision” – allows performing of segmentation, zooming and detailed reconstruction of separate studied anatomical structures. At the same time the studied object is moved to the center of a screen and other structures, preventing complete all-round visualization, are shaded.
– “Multi Vision” – allows getting of not only virtual multidimensional images of anatomical structures, but also highlighting bones, soft tissues, vessels and nerves as well (four-dimension color-coded NLS-data). The advantage of this feature is acquiring of accurate image of topographic-anatomic interrelation of tissues, vessels and nerves of a studied region, which increases quality of image perception.
Also this feature allows quick, detailed and zoomed studying of separate anatomical structures, including tissues, vessels and nerves in 4D interactive rendering format.
The new software’s “Alternative diagnostics” section offers evaluation of 7 chakras on the Fleindler’s scale, in addition to evaluation of 14 Chinese meridians, auriculodiagnostics and iridodiagnostics.
Using 12-point Fleindler’s scale, these software versions allow evaluation of catabolic (Yin-related) processes, accompanied by absorption of information. These are proliferative and degenerative-proliferative processes (benign and malignant tumors, polyps, miomas, mastopathy), which were extremely difficultt to diagnose with devices of previous generations (“Metapathia GR Hunter”, “Metapathia GR Clinical”, “Red Dragon”).
Optional equipment and possibilities of new software for improved stereoscopic visualization of 3D models allow creating an immersion into investigation effect and providing a better understanding of diagnostics results by means of connection to any 3D screen with polarized glasses where organs model will be shown. The device shows on a TV screen a high-quality stereoscopic image of examined organs, therefore increasing visualization quality of examination results.
New software versions allow identifying six stages of an illness development: psychophysiological, energoinformational, neuroendocrine, endotoxic, symptomatic and terminal. At the first three stages an illness is considered easily curable, at the fourth – curable, at the fifth – hardly curable, at the sixth – incurable.
The new generation of software supports Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese traditional, Chinese simplified and Japanese languages.