Metatron 4025M Intruder
Major changes included into “Intruder”: software:
1. System of pseudo-3D visualization, more than 100 of new organ models.
2. New version of a report (summary).
3. Automatic creation of a report (summary) with three levels of detailing.
4. Microorganisms database is extended, separate etalons groups – “Viruses”, “Helminthes” and “Fungi” added.
5. Automatic search for bacteria, viruses, helminthes.
6. New etalons groups added: “Antibacterial preparations”, “Antiviral preparations”, “Antiparasitic preparations” and “Antifungal preparations”.
7. Feature of quick selection of standard crosscuts added.
8. Classification of a process stages in entropic analysis.
9. Graphic representation of etalons types by criteria: anabolic/catabolic and dry/wet.
10. Improved mathematical model of hardware data processing.
11. Improved algorithms of affected areas location with consideration of a process type (anabolic/catabolic).
12. New system of tissues proliferation evaluation in young patients.
This model will be manufactured based on HSS “Metatron”-4025 with 4.9 GHz generator frequency
and will be supplied with a laptop with installed software.