Intruder (Chinese)

Institute of Practical Psychophysics presents its latest development – hardware-software system “Metatron” with “Intruder” software, which was specially created for searching of a parasitic flora in a human organism and evaluation of resistance to one or another medication.
The importance of this development is defined by recently appeared panresistant superbacteria, resistant to all used antibiotics, therefore NLS-method and computer-based express-evaluation of activity and resistance of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms to all existent antibacterial (antiparasitic) preparations may become the only possible alternative to a modern medicine.

實用心理物理學研究院開展了最新的研究 – 帶有“Intruder”軟體的“梅塔特隆”硬體程式組,專用於搜索人類機體內的寄生菌叢來確認對各種藥物的敏感性。
